How do work good
Workflow is something I’ve always struggled with.
Finding ways to make tasks simpler has always been the way I’ve done things, but sometimes I take efficiency way to far. Cutting necessary corners to make up for lost time, which I recognize is a VERY BAD THING, is probably my biggest flaw when it comes to this.
I think that’s why I ultimately lost my job at <MAJOR CABLE CORPERATION>. All they told us when they let 3 of us go at the same time was “Performance”, which is another thing that bothers me.
My Supervisor failed me multiple times, he was very vague when it came to telling me exactly what might be wrong with my work. I asked him to join me on a few jobs to help get things under control and he would always reply with “Sure thing!”… I asked him 5 times over 3 months and he never did.
Be a good boss y’all. Even if you are your own.